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Steel Panther - Lower the Bar Tour.

Steel Panther - Lower the Bar Tour ♬ ☠ On the 24th of January 2018, I saw Steel Panther made up of Michael Starr (lead singer, Satchel (lead guitar) Lexxi Foxx (Bassist) and Stix (drummer), at the Apollo in Manchester and the atmosphere, was phenomenal. They were fun, comedic and unique and I've never been to a gig like it before. We were pretty much at the front which was great because I got some really great photos as shown in this post and we really enjoyed ourselves. All members were engaging with the audience and making jokes, but frontmen Michael Starr and Satchel really stole the show, they were pointing out people in the audience and talking to them, it was funny but also great they were able to talk to fans in this way, I haven't seen many bands be so engaging. Satchel's guitar solo was insane, you really can't beat a good guitar solo at a gig! Plus he paid homage to so many well-known rock songs and the audience was blown away, also...

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