Why AC/DC are one of the best rock bands of all time.

Why AC/DC are one of the best rock bands of all time♫

In light of the recent death of Malcolm Young, I felt inclined to share a little insight into why AC/DC will always be such a huge part of my life. Around 6 years ago I started to change my taste in music, and began listening to AC/DC, as many of their songs are used in film and television, and I just felt great when I listened to them. They started me on a journey of loving rock and metal and I've met some great people who enjoy the same music, the best one being my boyfriend of 2 and a half years. 

On the 9th of June 2016, I finally got to see my all-time favourite rock band live. We were in the front row after waiting 10 hours in line, as you can see by this photo, Angus Young was mere metres away from us and I have never been so awestruck in my life! It was surreal! However, we didn't last there very long as we'd been waiting so long, we were very dehydrated and hungry (we
forgot to bring a lot of food) and we couldn't deal with being squashed, so we were pulled from the crowd and enjoyed the rest of the show from a nice distance. 

Even though lead singer Brian Johnson was unable to tour, Guns N Roses singer Axl Rose did a brilliant job! And overall it was one of the best nights of my life, the atmosphere was great, the stage props such as the huge bell and Rosie were phenomenal, and you can tell that all members are so passionate about the music they're playing. I can't thank AC/DC enough for being such monumental music artists, that for me personally, have ignited a lot of happiness and introduce me to the best music on the planet! 

Rest in Peace Malcolm Young, We Salute You!♬

-Alicia ☽


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